Old Farnhamians' Association

The OFA 89th President's Annual Lunch and the 2022 Autumn Lunch

5th October, 2022


Your Webmaster apologises that this report comes weeks after our historic and highly memorable last annual dinner – the Association’s 89th.  I went on holiday almost immediately after the event and there was no time to process all the photos etc, let alone write up the event in a report. 

This was another highly successful lunch with a record attendance for recent years.  Our persuasive organiser Roger Edgell arranged for the Bush Hotel to break their own record number of diners in the principal function room and squeeze in 80 fairly rotund old boys.

The spirit of many generations of deceased old boys and staff of the school were surely watching us!  We paid respectful tribute to those who have only recently passed away before we enjoyed a very good meal amid a loud buzz of genial discussion and reminiscence. Our President, Gordon Andrews, delivered the last ever President’s Address and we sang the School Song in our usual lusty way, a memory we can treasure and revive whenever we’re feeling nostalgic as it has been filmed and will remain on this website for as long as your webmaster is extant and in control of his actions.

So this is the formal end of the association which is now being wound up and no official activities or events will take place.  BUT, this website will continue and can serve as a rallying place.  Anyone wanting to announce plans for activities such as parties, drinks or dinners for old boys is invited to tell the webmaster who will announce it on the home page. 

End of an era? Yes, but precious memories will linger and can continue to be recorded so please do not hesitate to send me any material that would interest or entertain us for display in these pages.

Ian Sargeant
Saturday, 22 October, 2022


Link to the school song video – Click Here
















































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