Old Farnhamians' Association

The FGS Fifty-Seveners

Reunion at The Good Intent, Puttenham of the 1957 FGS Intake on 24 April 2024

The indefatigable Roger Edgell convened a very successful lunch attended by about a dozen old boys. 
Your webmaster was delighted to be invited and is glad to present the following photo.



LtoR: Wally Walsh, Dave McManamon, Bob Frampton, Brian Williams, Clive Beal, Ian Sargeant (interloper from 55 intake!), Bob Simpson, Bob Gibbs,

John Sherwood, Roger Shipton, Dave Edgell (Roger is out of shot taking this!)




Reunion at Hurtmore of the 1957 FGS Intake on 22 January 2020


Left to Right: Bob Gibbs, John Sherwood, Clive Beal, Howard Torode, Brian Williams, Wally Walsh,
Dave Polglaze, Rob Frampton, Tony Hughes (on his annual visit to the UK) and Roger Edgell.



Roger Edgell and Tony Hughes





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